A downloadable game for Windows

This game is multiplayer only and does not have constantly running servers, we host regular playing sessions on our Discord Server.

War-Torn is a multiplayer PvP first person shooter, that combines realistic features from milsim games with more quick and action packed gameplay.

Shooting in this game is hard, the recoil is strong and your hands are shaky. War is not easy. A single stray bullet can kill, as the player has simulated vital organs and arteries. If you do not die from a single shot, you will likely be crippled with a fracture or worse, which does not heal by itself, you need medical aid.

There are hundreds of weapons, many of which have different utilities. 

While there are pre made game modes, the game leaves room for custom scenarios and reenactment of various conflicts around the globe.


WASD - movement

Alt + WASD - slow walk

Caps lock - toggle slow walk

Shift - sprint

Left click - shoot/use item on self

Right click - aim/use item on other

Thumb button 1/Middle mouse button - zoom

Thumb button 2/T - proximity voice chat

Y - Team radio voice chat

1-5/scroll wheel - inventory slots

0 - unarmed slot

R - reload

Space - jump

E/Q - lean

C - toggle crouch

CTRL - hold crouch

Z/X - prone

V - alternative sights

B - change firemode

J - gun away

K - compass

H - flashlight

N - night vision

L - console


War-Torn_Remastered.v12.3.zip 628 MB
War-Torn_Remastered_Server.v12.3.zip 327 MB